ZUNO : Practice for Biodiversity

How can we protect the animals that are disappearing from the Earth and live together with them?

We dream of a world where everyone can live together well on Earth through a game about animals that are disappearing due to the climate crisis and ways to save them. ZUNO is a combination of the words Zoo and No. It is a card game created with the hope that animals in danger due to climate crisis and habitat destruction can live peacefully in nature.

It is heartbreaking to hear news that many animals, such as polar bears, red pandas, and blue whales, are disappearing.

However, many more species around the world are disappearing due to habitat destruction and climate change than reported in the news.

Many animals are in extinction crisis, such as the vaquita, Javan rhinoceros, and Philippine crocodile. According to the IUCN, there are 42,100 species of endangered species (as of April 2022), and the number continues to increase.

The ‘biodiversity’ where various creatures live must be protected to sustain the lives of humans who receive much help from the Earth.

Therefore, ZUNO informs you about endangered animals according to each climate zone and habitat and allows you to naturally learn how to protect them through the game.

We hope that ZUNO’s beautiful illustrations of endangered animals and their habitats, which are detailed in detail, will once again remind you of the importance of the environment by showing you animals living in nature.

ZUNO: Be friends for Endangered Animals

ZUNO Game Composition

  • Animal Cards  48 pieces. Animals are selected from climate zones and habitat and refrences the IUCN Red List.
  • Do&No Action Cards   3 &Do Cards* are actions to protect endangered animals in daily life, and 3 &No Cards* show you about habits to change.
  • Map of Endangered Animals     You can see where endangered animals in the world. You can also see their status information.
  • Game Manual  This explains how to use the ZUNO Cards effectively using six games.


  • 2019.Sep. ZUNO test version born.
  • 2020.Jan. Incheon Content Korea Lab Creators Awards ‘Encouragement Award’
  • 2020.May. Gyeonggi Content Korea Lab Environmental Content Business Support Company ‘Best Business’ selected
  • 2020.Aug. ZUNO official version released (430% crowdfunding achieved)
  • 2020.Sep. Gyeonggi Content Promotion Agency 2020 Environmental Content Business Hackathon ‘Excellence Award’ won
  • 2020.Dec. Launch of ‘Vegan Multi-Balm’, a collaboration product with Monage (Vegan Multi-Balm, 5 species of endangered animals)
  • 2020.Dec. ZUNO eco-friendly note 5 types released (using sugarcane waste)
  • 2021.Jan. Educational DO&NO DIY Card Set Released
  • 2022.Nov. ZUNO 2023 Version Released
  • 2023.Feb. ZUNO Goods – 36 Endangered Animal Pin Buttons Released
  • 2024.Jan. Kyobo Hottracks and Coupang Entry
  • 2024.Feb. ZUNO Goods – 10 Endangered Animal Eco-Friendly Notes Released (FSC Certified or Sugarcane Waste Paper)
  • 2024.Jun. ZUNO Endangered Animal Cards Brief Educational Guide Released

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